Tuition details for 2024-25 will be announced in January of 2024.
Yearly Tuition
1st-5th grades
After tuition reductions and financial aid, families pay $0 to $3,200 per year and can spread tuition payments across ten months. Discover more information about tuition reduction and find more information about financial aid.
The Arizona Department of Education administers Arizona’s ESA (Empowerment Scholarship Account) program. This program allows parents of qualified students to utilize public monies to purchase education services from private schools.
Families who apply to School Tuition Organizations (STOs, organizations that receive income tax credit contributions which fund scholarships for students to attend qualified private schools located in Arizona) will be funded on a quarterly basis.
How can I qualify for reduced tuition on top of using the ESA program or a STO?
Christos is happy to offer low-income families the opportunity for tuition reduction by submitting an income tax return for the 2021 filing year with your enrollment registration materials. Your income will be reviewed using the National School Lunch Program Federal Income Guidelines.
If you qualify for Free or Reduced meals, you will receive the corresponding tuition reduction.
Families who qualify for reduced meals the tuition will be $8200/yr. Families who qualify for free meals the tuition will be $7000/yr. We will use the 2023-2024 income guidelines as our standard for determining your eligibility. However, we will use your 2021 income to determine eligibility.
A discount is offered to families who are enrolling more than one child into a Christos school as follows:
Download the Tuition and Financial Policies
Join us for an open house to learn how a Christian classical education can impact your children. Meet our leadership team, talk with teachers, and tour our Cataylst campus.
Prospective families, join us for an open house to learn more about our Christian school in Gilbert.