Sample Schedule

Below is a sample schedule of what the day in the life of a 3rd grader would look like at Great Hearts Christian Academies.

A Day at Great Hearts Christian Academies

7:40 AM – Teachers gather for staff prayer

7:45 AM – Doors open and students are greeted by smiling staff members in all weather

8:00 AM – Doors close

8:05 AM – Chapel begins; Mondays: a long chapel of word, worship and prayer for 40-45 minutes;

Tuesdays through Fridays: a short chapel of worship and prayer for 10-15 minutes

Morning – Students return to their classrooms for academic instruction: English, math, science, history are taught every day with special subjects (languages – varying by location, the arts, and physical education) two times weekly

Mid-Day Lunch – 10 minutes of quiet eating time with Christian music playing followed by time to socialize and converse with classmates in indoor “restaurant voices” (preparation for life!) and a final 5 minutes for cleaning up and leaving the lunch room.

Afternoon – Academics continue; Recess to vary by grade

3:05 PM – The school day ends and pick-up begins (with the exception of half-day Wednesdays, where school ends at 12:30)